[WR] 0910Z RE-RA West Moors
"Martin Rowley" wrote in message
"Martin Rowley" wrote
... after a night (from ~0100Z) of moderate rainfall, then a respite
between 05 & 06Z, it has been raining heavily here since ~0620Z.
Surfaces, drainage etc., seem to be coping well, but it's certainly
slowed the traffic down! Rain coming more-or-less straight down so at
least my rain amount when I measure it at 09Z will be a reasonably true
reflection of the 'open site' totals.
"Jim Smith" wrote
Just stopped here in Bournemouth - 19.2mm has fallen today so far.
Worst of it appears to be in Sussex right now, torrential rain there if
the radar is correct.
... yes, brightening up here fairly well (at 0910Z); BKN Ac (some largish
gaps developing, with blue, milky, 'tropical' sky above), and scuddy St/Sc
coming in completely the opposite direction (from ~NW). Total rainfall
overnight (18-09Z) was 23.1mm, with the total for the month now 78.1 mm.
If Hurn climatology is used for us (not too far away), then we must be up
to ~185% of the 1961-1990 average. However, as noted in an earlier post,
the gauge exposure here is poor (though not a factor last night given the
very light wind), so will be interested to see how our monthly total
compares with others hereabouts, and Hurn in particular.
All surfaces have coped well with the deluge - unlike our previous
location in Bracknell / East Berkshire by all accounts!
Martin Rowley
West Moors, East Dorset (UK): 17m (56ft) amsl
Lat: 50.82N Long: 01.88W
NGR: SU 082 023
Meanwhile, away to your east, I have measured 27.0mm
since 1800Z yesterday to the present time of 1020Z.
Only minor flooding in the usual places, certainly not
'treacherous', an adjective heard on the radio earlier.
2 rumbles of thunder yesterday evening and another
pair this morning (make that 3... another distant peal
as I type), have increased the number of days with
thunder so far this month to 4.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)