"Bandwagons were us" or "Gwapple me gwapenuts"
"Martin Brown" wrote in message
In message , lawrence jenkins
OT but I can't resist it. That well known and loved environmentalist
Bellamy has come out and ....wait for it.... .......attacked what he
"the great global warming scam". In an article in the Mail on Sunday
rails against claims that "mans actions could ultimately destroy the
as the 'biggest scam to hit the world'.
He may be an "environmentalist" when it suits him, but his extreme right
wing political stance prevents him from having an objective view on GW.
He is probably just after some free publicity for his book launch
Even former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who first picked up on
Global Warming as a serious issue wasn't so far off to the right that
she ignored good scientific advice.
is scientifically proven that 99 per cent of the worlds greenhouse
come from natural sources over which we have no control. Yet millions are
being spent which will have no effect whatsoever on global warming.
How odd then that the observed build up of CO2 gas in the atmosphere
shows the characteristic isotopic signature of fossil fuels...
Part of what he says is true - we cannot spend on alternatives or
improve energy efficiency fast enough to prevent significant GW so we
are going to have to adapt to it. Rising sea levels and modified
rainfall patterns are two likely consequences that are already beginning
to show up on insurance claims.
We must wait patiently until something obviously caused by GW seriously
affects the US. Only then will the subject be taken seriously.
Martin Brown
There is a letter published in the New Scientist from four individuals who
work for Rothamsted Research or the Hadley Centre for Cimate research
stating that Bellamy has been highly selective with the evidence he has used
and therefore has only given one part of the story which is highly
misleading. This was in response to a letter written by David Bellamy
published on the 22nd of May putting foward the views mentioned above.