"Dave Cornwell" wrote in message
. ..
"Johndoe" wrote in message
Will with greatest respect, the event today was an n'th of the event that
occurred here 4 weeks ago, yes a lot of rain fell in Southern England in
a short space of time, and the tabloids will undoubtedly reflect it. But
hey this was nothing in comparrison to what happended here 4 weeks ago!
Yes I'm sure because it hit the politically important South it will
recieve much more air time. Seriously today was just a serious day for a
few Southern locations but not anything remotlely akin to Hulls plight !
Rant over
and yes it's raining here, but us third world Northerners get over it!
Lets see what transpires in the news in the coming days ehh! Dare they
plead Government help and if so will the government be as agile as they
were 4 weeks ago!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry, but I'm finding this North vs South thing churlish especially
when in both instances people's lives are seriously affected. I don't have
any prejudices about other regions of the UK and haven't seen it in the
media in the past few weeks regarding the floods in the North, Wales and
West Midlands..
I await the Southern softies posts when it snows for the first time this
winter with eager boredom.
I realise that I'm seen as a Daily Mail reader but it is being increasingly
noticed that Brown/Blair as PM or as the ex chancellor are only all to
eager to give 30 billions of our tax revenues to Africa alone; yet seem to
have a contempt for their own indigenous population
Mow some will say well they're insured and so forth -many may be but those
good decent people that have worked kept their noses clean, paid their
taxes, paid their insurance premiums have been offered 14 million as opposed
to 30 billion pounds. That really is a comtempt shown by a predominantly
scottish cabinet who will at the drop of a tammy shanter say how much they
hate the english.
So dohboy please remember that the south in the shape of sussex also took a
hell of a flooding back in the autumn of 2000. I think it's more of an anti
indigenous population bias than north v south.
By the way before GW is paraded over recent flooding, this is interesting
and raises questions of local authority spending and private water companies