Criticism of Carnoustie forecast by TV pundits.
A parallel situation occurred in the FI Grand Prix in Germany that was
"enlivened" by the rain showers. Not once did the TV production team
think to show the sky upwind so that we might see what was on the
way. OK, there were quick incidental glimpses from time to time but
nothing remotely useful. And where was the rainfall radar feed? I
was watching on my computer so had a general idea but detailed close-
up around the area of the racetrack would have been extrememly
I was at a GP at Silverstone in the 70s when similar chaos occurred.
I could see the heavy shower approaching yet the teams and drivers
were blissfully unaware until half the field spun off. I wrote to one
of the big teams afterwards and offered my services as a "sky
watcher". I didn't get a reply.