interesting slant on rainfall
On Jul 23, 10:00 am, "flybywire" wrote:
"Les Hemmings" wrote in message
flybywire wrote:
Climatologists are building evidence that crops, particularly corn,
are driving up dew points as they put water into the atmosphere
through evaporation. They also may make corn-growing areas cooler and
alter rain patterns.
... and couldn't the increase in fine dust particles from ploughing /
exposing dry soil and harvesting of crops, lofted by thermals, help
rainfall by "seeding" the clouds, giving the water vapour something to
nucleate around?
I thought that was the way the article would go when I first started
My thoughts went something like:
This sound like the hydrology cycle of the Amazon. So where is the
problem in the forest's rape and destruction?
Deserts? With all those bison. (OK I was thinking buffalo) Then:
Isn't Oklahoma in the Midwest somewhere? Or:
Concrete gives a lower dew point reading than farmland? Wow! I wonder
why all the important readings are from airports? And:
What about all the aquifers they drained and are still draining in the
US and A?
But not necessarily in that order.