KaZap To Bob - repost
Bob Harrington wrote:
1991 and 2004. Otherwise, squatsville for opportunities like this around
here. Most of our thunderstorms are one-clap-wonders in the spring,
accompanied by low ceilings and copious drippage not conducive to creative
When I used to live in the S.F. Bay Area I remember the News when there
were 4 Thunder Claps would announce "A Major Thunder Storm".
Far more rarely, every summer or two we get a whiff of the far western edge
of the monsoonal moisture you folks produce in such abundance. If all works
well, we get relatively dry, high-based convection with multiple lightning
strokes - and if we've been ~really~ good, it happens after dark...
Oh we don't produce the Moisture. It's one of the few things we get from
Mexico I have any use for. And for us, if it all works well we get extremely
Damp, High Convection. As to the Lightning, except for interesting pictures
I can do without it.
If it's not dark, it still makes for pretty scenes.
No argument here. I enjoy watching the Clouds change.
Crazy Ed