makes you wonder how the power companies can get away with not protecting
their important substations with flood walls same goes for the water
authorities and their pumping stations
Also why on earth don't we have some decent culverts like you see in Spain
Bring back the Victorian engineers they would know what to do
"lawrence jenkins" wrote in message
wrote in message
No one seems to have mentioned the obvious idea of constructing
buildings on "stilts".
A quick Google search brought these examples:'D%20NEVER%20BELIEVE/Broad%20Channel/ROCKWYHS.JPG
Notice that most of these pictures are from the so called "third
world". Why is it rocket science in Britain?
Well I don't what sort of house you live in Jack, but if it's anything
like those third world marvels , well god help you. They all look like
very badly built timber construction I doubt they are protected internally
from fire (usually plaster) none of them would pass building control.