In on Tue, 24 Jul 2007, Bonos Ego
wrote :
Here are the top 10 wettest July's since 1914
Year Jul
1936 135.4
1920 133.1
1939 133.1
1988 127.5
1915 123.0
1922 119.0
1960 111.7
1924 110.4
1918 110.1
1940 109.2
Using Philip Eden's Website, there's been 105.5mm to 23rd July.
My estimate of the total England & Wales rainfall for the whole of
July is 125mm, making it the 5th Wettest July since 1914.
What do others think?
In my case, this month has been the wettest I've ever recorded (24
years), beating 175.8mm in Apr 2000.
185.8mm & counting...
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)