On 31 Jul, 10:39, Mike Tullett
On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:01:32 +0100, Alan White wrote in
Nice pictures. I particularly like right-most bottom.
That shows the same cloud as in the previous two shots, curving left to
right. Ice crystals could be seen falling into a wind backing as the
altitude decreased.
Mike Tullett - Coleraine 55.13°N 6.69°W posted 31/07/2007 09:39:26 GMT
This cloud was reported elsewhere from NI.
Suspect this cld be a solitary/gravity wave-rather like an elevated
morning glory cloud, perhaps originating in the right exit region of
the buckling jet to yr NW.In the Castor Bay 00Z sdg there are stable
inversion layers aloft just above 400 hPa ( and at the tropopause ~200
hPa) -which wld act as a 'wave guide' for such a disturbance,