On Jul 31, 12:59 pm, Roger Coppock wrote:
There are many ways to demonstrate a fact.
-.-. --.- Roger
Source: American Physical Society
Date: July 30, 2007
Stronger Evidence For Human Origin Of Global Warming
Science Daily - A recent statistical analysis strengthens evidence
that human activities are causing world temperatures to rise. Most
climate change scientists model Earth systems from the ground up,
attempting to account for all climate driving forces. Unfortunately,
small changes in the models can lead to a broad range of outcomes,
inviting debate over the actual causes of climate change.
Part of the cause is a human "fudge factor" making the warming
appear greater than it actually is. See
And a second part of the human cause is the increase in energy
use, and its concentration in urban areas. Cut out energy use, go
back to a medieval economy, with its medieval sanitaton and medieval
life expectancy, and that would solve a major fraction of the
problem.- A. McIntire