Solar Weather Technique predictions for August flood periods in UK [was Stronger Evidence For Human Origin Of Global Warming
Steve Schulin wrote:
Piers Corbyn's 'Solar Weather Technique'
About 0 for 5, isn't it? Maybe this one will be correct. Even a stopped
clock is right once a day.
Oh, how did the last one do?
The last astrology prediction for the UK.
(Nov 11 2006)
Piers Corbyn, managing director of long-term forecasters Weather Action,
predicted Arctic air blasting across the whole country towards the close
of the month.
He said temperatures will sink as low as -14 C in exposed Highland
locations, with the rest of the country experiencing hard frosts and heavy
snow showers.
Mr Corbyn said: "There will be some notably cold and snowy parts. Coming
after such a mild October these conditions will feel especially cold."
Let us verify (Nov 28 2006):
Clearly a blast of Arctic air. From the south, even. As cold as 6 C
overnight. High temperatures only up to 14 C during the day. That is
almost 60 F, for the metric challenged. Bitter cold.
Scotland Highlands:
No snow, not cold, not even freezing. Oh, wait:
At the top of Cairngorm (Aviemore) ski area, forecast temperature for
overnight Tuesday (today) is 0 C with light snow. Then warmer (4 C) with
heavy rain. With a strong southwest wind, clearly from the Arctic. Sounds
like grand skiing weather.
Another real winner, this one was.
Caution, contents may contain sarcasm.
Phil Hays