Scott W wrote:
On 20 Jul, 10:12, Mike Tullett
One site I regularly visit is that of Alastair McDonald. He has a page
(based on a NOAA site) that allows a comparison between now and
years ago, though other dates may be entered. This summer is showing a
very marked decline since four years ago, with virtually no ice on the
coasts of Siberia.
Here is the page:
Mike Tullett - Coleraine 55.13ḞN 6.69ḞW posted 20/07/2007 09:12:11 GMT
Isn't the ice being melted from below - by a warming Atlantic Ocean
feeding energy into the Arctic Ocean?
I'm not convinced that's the case. The Atlantic is saltier and more dense
than Arctic waters and sinks below them. I doubt much upward heat transfer
would occur. The simplest explanation is that the air temperatures are
warmer and so the ice doesn't grow as thick during the winter and also
melts quicker in the summer.
Graham P Davis
Bracknell, Berks., UK
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