Faked Evidence For Human Origin Of MINISCULE Global Warming
"Roger Coppock" wrote in message
On Jul 31, 8:10 pm, (Eric Swanson) wrote:
In article .com,
small changes in the models can lead to a broad range of outcomes,
inviting debate over the actual causes of climate change."
So Models are Useless when it comes to forecasting future
climate .
The"statistical approach seeing it as puzzle" is my approach
and I have come to a very different conclusion than the
Professor. I have looked many more variables than he and my knowledge
of Astronomy and History has led me me to the conclusion that
the greenhouse effect is a myth.
Please provide a calculation of the Earth's temperature without the
Greenhouse Effect. Don't forget that convection, which operates in
parallel with the IR losses from the surface, cools further.
Then compare that with the actual measured value.
To do that calculation, Eric,
Tom would need to have . . .
(drum roll)
. . . a model.
Admit it Poppycock, you have absolutely no idea!
"The IPCC is, in fact, trying to predict the state of a very complex physical
system a full century out when, on the panel's own admission, scientists know
nothing about most of the variables in the model (page 16 of the physical
science summary of the IPCC's fourth assessment report)" Mark Lawson