Extreme rainfall Guildford/Burpham evening 7th August
On 8 Aug, 09:15, "T" wrote:
Hi all,
I had a few problems with my ws2300 rain guage and eventually replaced it
early this year. Since then I've been checking/comparing against local
reports - e.g. Phil L who seems to be closest. Recorded a total of 220mm in
July which seemed rather high. However last night recorded 90mm all between
6pm and midnight ! Unfortunately I was in London 'till past midnight and it
was dry there. Clear evidence of high rainfall when we got home - Jacobs
Well roads flooded, piles of granite chippings off the neighours shed, plus
*plenty* of water in flower pots. But 90mm ? Anyone else get anything like
that amount ?
Burpham, Surrey
I have a ws1600 rain gauge, which is a small oblong plastic affair
about 7cms tall and perhaps 10cm long and I assume is of the tipping
bucket design. Mine only registers every 0.5mm of rain, but I have
noticed that in certain heavy downpours the base station increases by
1.0mm almost instantly.
I have not inspected the inside of the unit as it is screwed onto a
large piece of wood to keep it stable, but my current theory is that
the force of tipping in heavy rain causes the 'bucket' to bounce
enough to send it back to its original condition - thus registering
two tips instead of one.