Coldest August night? And Canadian Climate Normals
On Aug 14, 5:29 pm, David Buttery wrote:
Dick Lovett wrote
Webb and Meaden, both from TORRO, provided UK extreme temperatures for
an article in the September 2000 edition of Weather.
However, although maxima were given for each day of the year, daily
minima were restricted to Oct to May inclusive, with the months of
June through to Sept
each divided into thirds, and the lowest given for these 10 or 11 day
Do you know why the more precise figures were not given? It seems odd,
especially since - as you mention - the *maxima* are indeed given for every
Bewdley, Worcs. ~90m asl.
The temperature list was restricted to sites with an elevation below
500 m asl, but this enabled it to include places such as
Flash in Staffordshire at 463 m. However, apparently, there were too
many reported minima for individual days from such 'upland' sites
during June to September, so
it was decided to restrict the recorded lows to 10 day periods so that
such media questions as 'what is the lowest temperature recorded in
the middle of August' could still be answered.
Dick Lovett
Charlbury OXON Cotswolds.