Second attempt (thanks Google)..Percentage of time raining?
On Aug 17, 11:00 pm, Gianna wrote:
Weatherlawyer wrote:
Gianna wrote:
Your chances of staying dry cannot be improved by buying a set of waterproof
This is a weather related query, not about how to stay dry on a
motorbike. The long preamble was just the thought process that led me
to the question. Having ridden bikes for 30+ years I am well aware of
the exsistence of waterproof clothing. Sorry if I confused you.
No problem. I wasn't confused (-:
Are you sure?
Yes, Michael. I am sure (-:
If you read the whole thing carefully, you will see my point.
When are you sending me the work you said you would send?
I sent it ages ago. But it needs rewriting all over again. Hurricanes
go with low cloud over the UK and an inclination to fog whilst Asian
and I think Mid Pacific Super Cyclones bring those striated cylinders
of hail and well, generally what we've had for the last few months.
Which opens the door to a reworking on the times thing. So, not only a
thaumaturge but a time lord.
Not that I deserve the promotion. Not that I intend to refuse it.
Still, if it were easy we'd all know how to do it.