Autumn is coming early to Haytor
Brian Wakem wrote:
Will Hand wrote:
Just been walking round my gardens and it is really starting to look
quite autumnal. My mature sycamore tree now has a lot of leaves
turning brown/yellow. Grass is slowing down growth and some of the
shrubs in the deciduous border are losing their leaves. In the
distance leaves on upper branches of trees have a brown tinge.
Plenty of debris (twigs, small branches) after today's winds add to
the autumnal feel as well as the temperature of 11C. Still with the
earth temperatures some 2-3 deg C lower than last year it is perhaps
not too surprising.
I was going to post something similar earlier. I have noticed a lot
of trees are starting to show yellows and oranges here. and the
bracken is rapidly turning brown (this usually happens in late
September/ early October.
I can't remember an earlier onset of autumn.
The Boston Ivy opposite us has been turning red for a couple of weeks