has 30C been recorded yet this year
Has anywhere in the UK recorded a 30C max on any day this year yet? If
not, how unusual is this?
I thought the London Weather Centre did on the 5th August. 30.2c if I
remember correctly
Has anywhere *with anywhere near standard exposure* recorded 30°C yet
this year? (If we count LWC, perhaps I can include the 48°C it reached
on a couple of days over summer in my conservatory, the exposure is
quite similar?)
I think excluding LWC the highest credible synop site max to date is
29.7°C at both Coningsby and Holbeach on 5 August. If this remains the
highest of the year - and there's 2-3 weeks yet which could surpass
this - it will be the lowest UK annual maximum since 1981 (29.5°C at
Kew Gardens on 5 August) although 1993 equalled 29.7°C (East Bergholt,
Suffolk, on 4 July). Of course, some of the monthly-reporting Met O
climat sites may have also just surpassed 30°C, and there may be other
standard sites in other networks such as the COL A-grade locations.
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer, Berkshire