Whistlefield: A Chilly Night.
"Alan White" wrote:
On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:32:21 -0700, Colin Youngs wrote:
... thus beating the "official" warmest place - Nottingham Watnall -
by 2.1 deg C. I must add you to my list.
Very kind, Colin, but I'm 'non-standard'.
The irony is that the "official" Watnall came up with an error
(reason unknown - the station is automated but there were
MO personnel until recently, and perhaps there still are). The
next warmest was, I believe, Bishopton with 18.6°C which
is the nearest official site to Alan's. We know from historical
data that sites along the sea lochs of western Scotland are
often very warm in northeasterlies and northerlies and
sometimes even northwesterlies, and Alan's figure is
entirely consistent with that.