Further to my recent post on the extent of a recent Pommie rain
influence, the same Pom commented concerning recent unusual winter
rain here in northern Oz:
At the same time I am wondering about the recent rain in inland southern
Queensland. A contemporary satellite infra red image showed a line of (high
level?) cloud swirls across the affected area, and the 200 mb wind map
showed the sub-tropical jet directly above the rain areas. The weather men
spoke of an upper-level disturbance. It made me wonder if there was a
combination of a line of convergence at lower levels with a sucking-up of
air through vorticity aloft. Or am I rushing in where meteorologists fear to
tread? I forgot to check the MJO at the time, mainly because I don't pay it
much attention in winter.
Comments? TIA.
[Note: This does NOT refer to the very recent localised deluge in
coastal SE Queensland. I understand it refers to a much more
generalised rain influence over much of inland southern and central
Qld around 17 to 20 August 2007.]
Cheers, Phred.