On 1 Sep, 00:31, "lawrence jenkins" wrote:
"Alastair" wrote in message
On 31 Aug, 19:54, Weatherlawyer wrote:
Welcom back Al. LTNS.
On Aug 31, 9:26 am, Alastair wrote:
It is nice to see a few old names still here after my sojourn in other
realms of web space :-)
Presently, I am inflicting RealClimatehttp://www.realclimate.org/
with my heretical views on global warming,
They are not heretical Alistair, just wrong.
It's daft to jump to one conclusion when there are many alternatives,
not least of which is our savage treatment of the sea. Or did you
expect god to allow it to be fished to oblivion and no abreaction?
310 wayne davidson Says:
I am a little puzzled by the met office no longer displaying sea ice
yearly projections until 2100. I am getting convinced that the ice and
atmospheric models were off by 10 to 20 years, would have really
appreciated seeing their projections still, as I am curious about how
we take it from here. Is the met office ice model merely wrong
timewise? It will be very good to understand where the error is,
especially compare the 2007 melt with 2007 projection, it would help
narrow down a bug, and perfect future models. I don't think its bad
to be wrong, it is terrible when you can't know why.
As with the hurricane/glowballs hullaballoo when the records got
broken in 2005 and here we are in 2007 with a dearth, there is perhaps
a cycle to these things.
I feel I did quite a good job with 2005 and furthermore I couldn't see
anything outstanding showing up in 2007, so if I had said there
wouldn't be many hurricanes this year, I'd have been able to prove it
is lunarcy.
Next time I hope to know a bit more.
I actually know where the models are going wrong but I am sure that
the MetOffice do not.
What is this reason you mooted?.
Someone, who cannot spell 'lunacy', would not be able to understand
that the Greek forest fires are caused by millions of rich westerners
driving 4x4s, rather than the few hypothetical Greek arsonists who the
ruling Greek governing party find it convenient to blame.l
Is Yannis still around?
Alastair I understand you may feel a tad concerned about GW as during the
history of the earth there has been a constant procession of warming and
cooling albeit at different tempos. I also empathise that your first reply
after a long tour of absence from this NG had to come from that **** known
as weather lawyer. However your shrill indignation manifested in a hatred
for the western civilisation leads me to suspect that as a scot you are
driven by hatred and ideology.Hatred for the west or should I say USA,
England and Israel.
I have seen your presence over on real climate and I found that link via
Steve McIntyre's Climate Audithttp://www.climateaudit.org/. Now this is
all very ; interesting as S McIntyre who gained initial public awarness by
successfully challenging Mann's revision of truth the IPCC hockey stick,
has also recently discovered major flaws in NASA's/ IPCC weather statiom
recordings around the so called "hottest years in human history and the USA
adjustments made around 2000. This of course has thrown a completly
different light as to the roll of Co2 and the warmest years of this and the
last century. Now nasas guru James Hansen himself comes across as a total
nutter in his response to these accepted and forced adjustmentshttp://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/. Hansen of course claims that the USA only
accounts for 2% of the globes surface area-well that may be the case but not
only do the USA weathers stations account for a large bulk of data used they
themselves are now being exposed as flawed due to encroaching urbanisation
with such problems as being sited next to recently (last couple of decades)
installed air conditioner exhuast vents and increasingly larger areas of
tarmac-actually if this is the case then so-called greedy westerners have
actually contributed to the falsifying of what we see as an accurate record.
I will finish by saying that I find your outburst worrying as you seem to be
linked to the cryosphere information recording , and you seemed to have such
a pre determined agenda I'm beginning to smell a rat here to.
Hi Lawrence,
You are quite correct that the climate has changed many times in the
past, but when it has happened it has been extremely quickly and the
global population of humans has always been far less than the 6.5
billion that exist on the planet today. I have read that during a
sharp cooling the human population may have dropped to only 20
individuals. The climate has been relatively stable for the last
10,000 years but in th etwo thousand years prior to that as we emerged
from the ice age there were several abrupt changes with the
temperature in Greenland leaping by 10 C in possibly only three years.
If such an event were to happen again global agriculture would be
devastated and we would all starve to death.
Several years ago I explained on this newsgroup that these rapid
warming are caused by sea ice sheets suddenly melting and that the
consequence would be a monsson in Britain. Well the sea ice is
rapidly disappearing and there has been unusually heavy rain this
It seems that I just was ahead of my time :-(