On Sep 1, 6:19 pm, Robin Nicholson
On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 18:01:43 GMT, Paul Hyett
This is just a general enquiry.
Are their any historical records kept on such matters?
I suppose for starters the summer of 1976 must have seen a High in
control for July August and up to about 6th September, when, if I
remember correctly, it retreated and we then had a very wet autumn.
And was it last year that we had a dominant High for a long autumn -
most of September,October
Check back from the dates of the highest magnitude earthquakes on
Note the 8+ Mags in particular.
I haven't done as much myself but that's no reason for you not to
prove me right.
(Ermmm.... or blocking Lows. I just think of them as singularities.
All I am after is the synergy not the pedantics.)
((Now there's a point... I always considered there to be two types of
earthquake. Never really considered it though. Nor can I explain why I
should think that there are such.))