Ping Gianna
"Gianna" wrote in message
lawrence jenkins wrote:
Petershead fishing trade documentary on BBC1 at the moment, nice scene of
settled snow. Hard life in a declining industry it would seem. .
Apparently the harbour has become very as the trade has run down
Haven't seen you yet
There was however a very attractive mermaid who came in at
24 and
£1.20 per kilo
infortunetley due to quotas she had to go back'
Only joking
Hi Homey, I'm Hon!
I was a wee bit asleep there.
Yes, I watched the programme, and the previous two series.
There was a very nice shot of a spot some 200 metres from where I type.
I felt this nice, warm feeling, then realised I had tipped my tea into my
Hmmm could have been worse, like a trip to urology worse-I should know.
Whilst on Fish: There was a nice sign im my local chippy's window, they
thought they'd allay the fears of the customers who were concerened that
young immature fish were being caught.
"Please be assured that none of the fish we use have died young we can
gaurantee that all of our fish have died of old age"
They closed last week.