Londongle wrote:
"Gianna" wrote in message
lawrence jenkins wrote:
Petershead fishing trade documentary on BBC1 at the moment, nice scene
settled snow. Hard life in a declining industry it would seem. .
the harbour has become very as the trade has run down
Haven't seen you yet
There was however a very attractive mermaid who came in at
24 and
£1.20 per kilo
infortunetley due to quotas she had to go back'
Only joking
Hi Homey, I'm Hon!
I was a wee bit asleep there.
Yes, I watched the programme, and the previous two series.
There was a very nice shot of a spot some 200 metres from where I type.
I felt this nice, warm feeling, then realised I had tipped my tea into my
As for the prices, it is sad to note that my arse is worth less than
fifteen bob
a pound these days (trying not to sound too foreign there).
Dare we ask what it was priced at, when in its prime..??
Fittingly, I am LMAO at that!
If I could remember that far back, I would of course tell you (cough).
In those hazy hippie days, everything was free anyway although as a humble
peasant, it made little difference.
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