Ping Gianna
"Gianna" wrote in message
lawrence jenkins wrote:
At the risk of being boastfully crude: I'm not saying that nature has
blessed me in certain parts of my anatomy but half way through the
cytcoscopy procedure the Dr and the Nurse stopped at a Little Chef for
It did not cross my mind that you were boasting; quite the reverse.
It must be very tiring when called upon to insert a large instrument into
such a tiny umm instrument, so I am not surprised a break was needed.
What did they have? Snorkers and veg.?
I have to say it was rather uncormfortable but I should have expected
that when I saw Cecil B Demille was directing the action.
Well yes, all goes against the flow of traffic.
In all seriousness though and this is absolutely true, that jsut before
the probe was inserted the nurse had to inject an anti-biotic into my
thigh.and I swear that this it the truth she actually said
"Just a little prick Mr Jenkins"
How observant of her. You must have been in a private hospital.
Well that was like a red rag to a ball. Of course responded in the only
way possible
Do balls not like red rags? Not if it is they that bleed, I suppose. I
take it the staff who had been off for refreshments had lost their
concentration and inserted the probe in the wrong place.
"Well there's no need to be personal, is there"
Given the procedure, it is hard to see how they could have been anything
On a more serious note, I trust that your wazzer is now restored to its
former glory.
Gianna I'm touched by your concern, yes it was rather eye watering and would
have been far less painful if I hadn't have tied the knot in it beforehand
.. The Dr said I had a stricture, I misheard her and said is that gospel.
Of course she did ask me if I'd experienced any trouble passing water to
which I replied that I'd felt a bit giddy going over Tower Bridge blast
Oh dear I should really be going for all our sakes.