john fernbach wrote:
On Aug 20, 9:06 pm, Talk-n-Dog wrote:
Peter Franks wrote:
Roger Coppock wrote:
Here, from Hadley Centre, are the global sea surface
temperatures from 1850 to 2006. Please see:
As predicted by Arrhenius over a century ago,
the rate of sea warming is slower than global land
warming. NASA GISS has global land surface
warming at .58K/per century between 1880 and
2006. (Please see:
These data come from:
Why is 1970-ish the baseline for the temperature anomaly?
What was the sensitivity/accuracy of the thermometers used?
Why should I care that sea surface temperatures have risen over the past
150 years?
If one aspirin helps then 30 will really fix me up - huh.
This is a typical way of thinking, which overflows into Global Warming,
people think that if a little Co2 makes it a half degree warmer then a
lot of Co2 will make it really hot.
I like your analogy, Dog. If one aspirin will cure your headache,
then what if you take 200 of them?
Well, they won't probably kill you, but they won't help either.
So maybe CO2 is like aspirin? "The poison is in the dose"?
Could be since 100% will solve all your problems.
I suppose I could buy meteor insurance too, to help rebuild on that
impact crater, destined to be where my house is.
Our constitution protects criminals, sexual deviants and U.S. Senators.
Which at times are, one and the same...
The problem with the global warming theory, is that a theory is like a
bowl of ice-cream, it only takes a little dab of bull**** to ruin the
whole thing. - Gump That -
How to outsmart Global Warming -- Plant your corn when the oak leaves
are as big as a squirrels ear.
Insanity is only synapses deep.
It's not if, it's just when, No one gets out alive.