Global Sea Surface Temperatues 1850-2006
Oh, we all know what's going on here.
Evidently not you, asswipe.
Oh, please don't use the term "asswipe", the thought of excrement gets you
KKKonservatives far too excited, and makes some of you hang out in airport
bathrooms making homofriendly with other men as they try to empty their
You've yet to make a relevant comment, you lazy lump of polemics.
You are a known perpetual liar.
You are scientifically illiterate.
You are a self confessed KKKonservative Loser who professes a desire to war
against any fact that counters KKKonservative dogma.
I can think of nothing else more relevant to science.
Your KKKonservative religion of Death and Destruction is under seige and
you will tell any lie, no matter
how rediculous in order to defend it from reality.
Ahahahahahaha... Laughably you think you can keep reality at bay forever.
But with every passing day you become more and more the pathetic loser you
were destined to be.
You can't even bring yourself to use your real name out of fear that you
will not survive the hangman's noose.for your lying treason against
So sez, what's your name again?
ExterminateAllRepubliKKKans. Prove it's not my real name you **** Sucking
RepubliKKKan Loser..