As Predicted, Global Warming Fuels More Tropical Rainfall
Exterminate -- I agree that the Bush administration is awful; they've
done all of the evil economic deeds you're talking about, and I hope
you and others kick their butts in the next election.
But why don't you stick to the topic of this usenet group, which is
When you post a lot of partisan political statements in the
"" group, you probably are giving a lot of people
the impression that global warming is a
partisan issue --
Meaning that all good Republicans and all good Bush supporters can
supposedly ignore it: "Hey, it's only a LIB-RAL DEMOCRATIC plot."
And it isn't. I wouldn't vote for most of these guys, but there are
Republicans as well as Democrats in the US who are waking up to the
danger of the climate change situation. And, in some cases, to the
economic advantages that their states may gain by moving to address
the climate change and CO2 situation.
Examples of Republicans who have been taking important steps at the
state level to deal with CO2 emissions and climate change now include
Charlie Crist, Republican governor of Florida; Tim Pawlenty, GOP
governor of Florida, and of course California's GOP governor Arnold
On the national level, meanwhile, GOP senator and presidential hopeful
John McCain has been speaking the truth on AGW for some time now, and
has co-sponsored legislation to deal with it.
None of these Republicans is secretly doing "LIB RAL" & Democratic
bidding on this issue, Exterminate. McCain is pretty damned
conservative on most issues, and so apparently is Crist.
But they're also smart enough and honest enough to recognize the
threat that CO2-driven climate change poses to their states, and
indeed to the whole country, and so they're formulating "Republican"
approaches to it.
Given that the American electorate has recently been pretty evenly
divided between Republicans and Democrats, I think you need to be
acknowledging the CLIMATE contributions that these GOP politicians are
Otherwise, you're just playing into the game of the AGW Deniers, and
putting a "Democratic" tag on the issue of climate change that is
guaranteed to keep millions of Americans from taking it seriously.
On Sep 11, 7:24 pm, "ExterminateAllRepubliKKKans"
"ExterminateAllRepubliKKKans" wrote:
Oh, I already have, by reducing my carbon emissions to near sustainable
levels, and have plans to lower them further.
"mrbawana2u" wrote
Inflation cutting into your welfare, scuttle nutts?
My work income is keeping pace with inflation. But not so the poor
AmeriKKKan public, who have not only witnessed a real decline in wages over
the BushCo era, but have on top of that loss experienced a near 40% decline
in the value of the AmeriKKKan dollar on the world stage and hence the value
of their net worth.
Ahahahahaha... That's some impressive record for you RepubliKKKans to be
proud of.
Seldom has the world seen such remarkable fiscal mismanagement as we have
seen with the absolutely corrupt AmeriKKKan RepubliKKKan party.
"mrbawana2u" wrote
My carbon emissions grow every year.
Doing your part to keep the Arab nations and the Soviet Union, and the
socialist oil producing states rolling in cash ay?
"mrbawana2u" wrote
Prosperity does that.
Tell that to the AmeriKKKan steel industry that has been priced out of
existance largely due to it's reliance on old energy intensive production
"mrbawana2u" wrote
I look forward to burning leafs soon.
I just let them rot where they fall. Better for the soil and with the
same carbon footprint.
Raking leaves is for old men who have nothing better to do with their
lives. You know like Ronald Reagan who spend we are told much of the end of
his life raking leaves while the U.S. SS stood behind him empting the bags
to give the Alzhimers ridden koot something to do.
"mrbawana2u" wrote
Failures begats failure.
So your children are losers to ay?