Global Sea Surface Temperatues 1850-2006
On Sep 11, 1:53 pm, "ExterminateAllRepubliKKKans"
Gee Kwaggie, last week you were frothing at the mouth claiming that
temperature doesn't exist.
Where was that?
All over this thread. Falsification of the atmospheric CO2 greenouse
effects within the frame of physics.
You know. The thread (and others) you created in order to claim that
temperature doesn't exist because it's oooooh, sooooo, Complicated...
I created this thread? It's actually easy to see that Roger started
the thread. Your handwaving =/= a quote of me saying temperature
doesn't exist. This is relevant because I've never said anything like
You are a moron; enough time's been wasted on you. Ahahaha?