kT wrote:
Eeyore wrote:
David wrote:
raylopez99 wrote:
But you're right: GW's effects are overstated by the strong AGW
advocates--a mere 2 inches mean sea level rise over the next 100 years
is the lower bound of the IPCC 2007 report--i.e., trivial.
That's an old prediction. The minimum is more like 25 cm now. It'll
probably hit that in the next 15 years.
Typical alarmism.
Talk like that is cheap.
So the recent near doubling of measured sea level rise, from 1.8 mm/yr
to 3.2 mm/yr has nothing to do with it.
Being as the moon effect the ocean level, I imagine these test were at 1
year intervals so the moon was back at the same position. But then the
other planets were all different. We could wait 80,000 years for them to
all line up back in the right position, I suppose.
I suppose I could buy meteor insurance too, to help rebuild on that
impact crater, destined to be where my house is.
Our constitution protects criminals, sexual deviants and U.S. Senators.
Which at times are, one and the same...
The problem with the global warming theory, is that a theory is like a
bowl of ice-cream, it only takes a little dab of bull**** to ruin the
whole thing. - Gump That -
How to outsmart Global Warming -- Plant your corn when the oak leaves
are as big as a squirrels ear.
Insanity is only synapses deep.
It's not if, it's just when, No one gets out alive.