As Predicted, Global Warming Fuels More Tropical Rainfall
"mrbawana2u" wrote
Most Americans are still laughing at the 'ozone hole hairspray scam'.
No AmeriKKKan now uses hairspray that is forced from a spray can using
CFC's as a propellent.
Neither do they use air conditioners or refrigerators using CFC's as
And your Economic doomster brethern - who claimed that banning CFC's would
"murder" half the worlds population and cost the global economy trillions of
dollars, were proven to be the Cock Sucking KKKonservative fools and Liars
that we all know you are.
Now the same morons are whining about the disasters that will befall mankind
if CO2 is not produced to excess. The global economy will fail they say,
and people will die.
Sorry. Same KKKonservative ****. 30 years later.
I have never met a KKKonservative who wasn't a perpetual liar.
They certainly don't take you agw-tards seriously enough to do
anything about co2.
As for ol' VD Scuttle Nutts influencing anybody...well, Ferngacy, your
delusions seem to be endless.