[OBS]Whipsnade, Beds, Mon 24 Sep 2007
"Philip Eden" philipATweatherHYPHENukDOTcom wrote :
0850z W F5 25km -RA 1St006 6Sc010 7As080 11.0/10.0 1005.8
RMK: Spots of rain in the wind ... now (at 0905z) some blue sky
visible to the west. Quite a strong wind. Lowest bar since 20 Aug.
1150z WSW F5-6 60km 2Cu026 14.9/08.1 1008.0
RMK: Sun's been out since 0920z. Also some dense Ci way
out to the west (possible anvils of distant Cbs?)
Philip Eden
Whipsnade 214m