Very basic question about barometric pressure
Hi Alastair
In article ,
"Alastair McDonald" k
Just in case Ruth does really know nothing about barometers I will
put my twopennies worth in.
Excellent - the more info the merrier!
On the barometer you will find a second pointer which you can
move by hand. After you have read the barometer, move the
pointer so that it is covering the black one. When you come to
read the barometer again, then the moveable pointer will
show you what the pressure was last time you read it. You
will then be able to judge how fast the pressure is rising or
falling. This will then tell you how soon the rain will arrive or
Using the indicated pressure alone is not a lot of help in weather
forecasting, because when it points to rain it is usually raining!
For forecasting what you want to know is the direction of the
change (better or worse) and the speed of change (sooner
or later.)
Hope this helps,
Yes thank you - very helpful indeed - that makes perfect sense!
Kind regards