Nashville TN Moon and Clouds
Edward Erbeck wrote:
Liked the Pictures. #1 is my favorite of the series.
Moon and Cloud shots are always a compromise. If you set the exposure
for the Moon the Clouds suffer. If (as in your shots) you go for detail in
the Clouds the Moon will be overexposed.
The sad reality short of "stacking images to combine 2 exposures where
each is set for the best of one or the other is until the folks that make
the Chips for Digital Cameras (I've long given up on any more advances in
Film Technology) can make Chips that have the Dynamic Range of the Human Eye
what you got is about as good as it gets.
Crazy Ed
Actually, the best results would still be obtained by using a low
contrast film, camera with superb optics and the "dodge 'n burn"
techniques in the lab.
For example, I can shoot backlit subjects with my Leica and still get
good shadow detail without a lot of fuss. Whenever I want to shoot high
quality photos, out it comes as it's capability with high resolution
film is near the digital equivalent of 45 megapixles.
Photoshop is good but not yet equivalent to film/lab with regards to
highlight vs. shadow detail.