Nashville TN Moon and Clouds
In article ,
"BubblyBabs" wrote:
begin 666 NashvilleTNmoonclouds2.jpg
Dramatic, picture, Babs. I like it. As others have said, the dynamic
range of the CCD is not big enough to encompass the light of the moon
and the dark of the clouds, so you usually have to pick one or the
You can see how the camera meters the moon (which would be a shorter
exposure time) and the clouds (a longer exposure time) and then try some
setting in the middle. You might get some worthwhile results that way.
Another option is to wait for a time when the moon is, say, half
occluded by the clouds, which would probably bring the range of lights
and darks into the dynamic range of the CCD.
Using a longer lens will make the moon bigger. I assume you're using a
tripod, right?