As Predicted, Global Warming Fuels More Tropical Rainfall
On Sep 26, 8:30 pm, "HangEveryRepubliKKKan"
Ahahahahahaha... Dividing the differences to make them look
larger than they are.
First of all , your math is weak. The increase was about 7%, so
using your "reasoning"
the error was between 1.07/1.01 = 1.059 and 1.07/1.03= 1.039, an
error of 3.9% to 5.9%, far larger than your estimated 0.00000000001.
Using the same "reasoning", global temperatures averaged 287 around
1900, and now average 287.7, so the " mesurement error" is only
287.7/287= 0.24%, more than a factor of 10 smaller than the error you
write off- A. McIntire