As Predicted, Global Warming Fuels More Tropical Rainfall
"john fernbach" wrote
I happen to share some of your frustration with the Bush
Administration and in fact with a lot of the Republican Party .
However, it's just idiotic to assume that tens of millions of people
are just the same -- because they happened to vote for the same
political party in the last election.
Frustration comes from expecting something to be better than it is, and
because it is not, and because it is inconveniently not, and inconvenient to
change, therefore frustrating.
I am in no way frustrated at anything the failed AmeriKKKan state does.
The path is clear. As a nation you are incompetent losers, who are unable
to rationally govern yourself, and who have taken advantage of the last
european destruction of the last world war to position yourself as a world
power while the other nations rebuilt.
Now that there is real competition you as a nation are unable to compete
and financial collapse is imminent.
We will continue to bury the worthless AmeriKKKan state, and I will
continue to **** on your grave.
"john fernbach" wrote
It's stupid to assume that these people can't change their minds and
vote Democrat or Green or whatever the next time.
56% of you probably will. But 44% of the infected brain tissue will
remain. Putting a bullet into Uncle Sam's brain is the best thing for the
world and for the AmeriKKKan people.
"john fernbach" wrote
And it's stupid to assume that even the Republican pols are never
going to change. This isn't to say that I want to vote for them - but
some of them are no worse than many of the Democrats on a lot of
issues you probably care about.
Quite possibly.
When do you intend to apologize for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan,
execute the criminals currently occupying the White House, and pay war
reparations to Iraq and Afghanistan?
"john fernbach" wrote
Go luck up the GW stance taken by the current Democratic governor of
Montana, Schweitzer I think his name is. His state has lots of coal,
and he wants the coal companies to exploit it in order to produce jobs
and tax revenues for Montana, and so he's enthusiastically pushing for
"clean" coal development.
I really don't care about your internal politics. The fact that a
democrat is part of the AmeriKKKan cancer doesn't interest me in the
"john fernbach" wrote
If you're looking for a state governor with a good record on GW from
an environmentalists's perspective, GOP governor Arnie Schwarznegger
of California is a hell of a lot better than that.
Probably because he has had a Euro-Education.
"john fernbach" wrote
If you want to know why the US can't make at least some progress on
CO2 emissions by ordering the Detroit auto companies to meet higher
corporate fuel economy standards and higher gas mileages for American
made cars -- Dingell is your guy.
AmeriKKKan made cars are ****boxes. Always have been. The faster U.S.
auto makers are flushed down the toilet the better.
Ultimately the reason why they are **** boxes is because AmeriKKKans are
too stupid to demand improved products. You people have gotten used to
taking it up the ass from AmeriKKKan corporations.
"john fernbach" wrote
As for your whole screen name -- "Exterminate" -- if this isn't
really, really sick, and a little evil, it's stupid. And I think it's
all three - sick, evil and stupid.
A perfect reflection of AmeriKKKan society.
I have never encountered a KKKonservative who wasn't a perpetual liar.
AmeriKKKan KKKonservative or otherwise.
"john fernbach" wrote
It's sociopathological to call for genocide against a whole group of
people -- Republicans, Democrats, or whoever.
And I would personally devote the rest of my life to putting a bullet in
every one of their worthless brains.
I'm quite serious. Give me a shout when AmeriKKKan society collapses into
chaos a few years from now.
You line em up, and I'll do the head shots. Maybe to conserve bullets
I'll use one of those air guns that fire a bolt into cow skulls to kill