Nashville TN Moon and Clouds
"Grumpy AuContraire" wrote:
I had a Speed Graphic or two and a 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 (Crown I believe) for
better portability along with a 5/7 view, 4x5 view. The view cameras
were great in that they could compensate for distortion when shooting
square (like buildings) from a disadvantaged shooting point. Hey! I
just used the word "disadvantage" without infering that politically
correct crap!! Yeehawwww!!!
The only "Large Format" Roll Film Camera I had was a Top View Kodak
someone gave me way back when.
Enjoyed the View Cameras except for the "Support" Equipment. Once you had
enough Film Packs for a Days shooting, 2 extra Lens', Light Meter, Bulb
Blower and Camel Hair Brush, a 4 week Backpacking Trip was a light load ;-).
That's why I like the M2 Leica. No freakin' batteries required. I
could use the (very) old Leica meter as well as that didn't require a
battery either. But I simply use the F16 rule, lick my finger and stick
it in the air to check wind direction. G
Oh the Pentax only uses a Battery for the Meter. But how many shots can
you take at 1/125 F-16 with out loosing the flexibility that a properly
exposed image can give. That'd be like only having a 55mm Lens for your
Oh, it will and probably within the next ten years. But by then, I'll
probably be in bed screaming for a diaper change...
And getting the same response you get now when asking someone else to get
you something ;-)
Crazy Ed