Nashville TN Moon and Clouds
"Grumpy AuContraire" wrote in message
The F16 rule is ASA speed equal shutter speed @ F16 in bright daylight.
Experience dictates variables from that point. Cloud cuts off the sun,
drop to F8 etc.
Shutter speed= 1/ASA at F16 (bright sun) or any combination which gives same
exposure. Open up one stop for side lighting and 2 stops for
backlighting-according to a Brooks Institute grad I worked with.
My usual K64 exposure on a sunny day was 1/250 at F8 and that goes back over
35 years.
"Museum Shelf"-Pentax LX, ESII, SP500, Mamiya TLR, 5X7 field, Bolex Reg 8
movie (same body as 16mm also used k-chrome)
First camera-roll film box camera $1.25 and 2 cereal boxtops-1958. Yes I
still have the prints.