Yet Another Simplified Explanation of CO2 as a Greenhouse Gas
WA wrote:
Whata Fool wrote:
CO2 warming is the theory of the meteorologist and
climatologist, they need to defend warming. But if it turns out
there is no warming, where is climate science?
Then CO2 cooling will be needed. Excuse me while
I turn on the heat, and get back to vector graphics.
Look, you are biting the big one here on Venus.
Didn't you see the urls I posted about others talking
about CO2 cooling the atmosphere?
I am a big fan of astronomy and was reading a lot of
science fiction in the 30's and early 40s, but so little is really
known about Venus, speculation is not mentally rewarding.
I wish we knew more.
Your theory is worthless
if it can't explain what is going on there.
Don't you think the fact that there is 4 times as much
N2 there as on Earth is interesting? Is the premise that
CO2 radiation downward being what holds the temperature
that high an absolute certainty?
Weren't you the one who claimed they wanted to discuss physics?
Of whether or not there is warming on Earth, and what the
cause is, yes. I have mentioned a number of things about
atmospheric physics that I thought would be very interesting,
but nobody seems interested. The local reduction in pressure
when water vapor undergoes a 200 to 1 reduction in volume when
condensing, and a 1 to 200 increase in volume when evaporating
would seem to be very important in meteorology, at least those
numbers are correct for steam.
Maybe it is only the fact that I try to discuss things in terms
of what the average person might understand that is uninteresting
to specialists.
Only now,
when you really need to discuss physics, it's back to vector graphics?
You tried to steer the discussion to force me to establish a firm
foundation for radiation physics, including one that would explain the
puzzle of the surface heat of Venus, when just understanding one
little bit about the temperature and energy exchange on Earth would
be a lot to accomplish in my estimation.
I don't like the idea that so many trained specialists have
talked against the extreme predictions made, and the even more
extreme predictions made and the concern that causes some.
It would be nice to know something definite with confidence.
So, whatcha working on? Rendering for a new 3-D bathroom/kitchen design
home remodelling program? That would be totally wicked.
No, just simple vehicle graphics in cut vinyl, a little boy
peeing on the words "global warming".