On Sep 26, 4:36 am, Roger Coppock wrote:
For those who have not quite mastered the concept yet,
below is the URL to yet another simplified explanation of
CO2 as a greenhouse gas.
Thank you, Mr. Tom Adams and the globalchange newsgroup.http://groups.google.com/group/globa...thread/be7cb1c...
WTF is that supposed to prove ? Why not do it with puppets ?
And Venus is hot because of all the volcanoes spewing out constantly,
****ing derrrr....
There is still not a ****ing lick of evidence that CO2 is causing the
temp to increase. There is no correlation b/n CO2 production and
temp.. So the AGW cult came up with this garbage called 'radiative
forcing' which is not radiative and not forcing ! This is pure
marketing-speak, it has no scientific validity at all.