Nashville TN Moon and Clouds
jim wilson wrote:
"Dave Moorman" wrote in message
In article MY1Mi.31054$x%6.30938@pd7urf2no,
"jim wilson" wrote:
"Dave Moorman" wrote in message
In article
Grumpy AuContraire wrote:
The F16 rule is ASA speed equal shutter speed @ F16 in bright
Experience dictates variables from that point. Cloud cuts off the sun,
drop to F8 etc.
Is the other part of that rule of thumb that you set the exposure time
for 1/the lens length? I.e., if you're using a 75mm lens, set the
exposure time 1/75 (or as close as you can get).
Sorry I never heard that one-the focal length by itself has nothing to do
with exposure, only the lens aperature. F16 on any lens passes the same
amount of light.
Yes, but no. F/16 with the shutter open for 1/50th of a second passes
five times the light of F/16 with shutter open for 1/250th of a second.
If you're going to avoid over- or under-exposure, you have to set both
the aperture and the exposure time to the right settings.
True, of course. I spoke only of the amount of light passed by the lens
aperature without reference to how long that light is allowed to hit the
film or sensor. Both settings, as you say, make up "exposure". If the
correct exposure for a photo is 1/125 at F16, it doesn't matter whether the
lens is 50 mm or 1000 mm, set both to F16 and the exposure is correct-but
don't hand hold the 1000 mm lens at that slow a speed. 8)
Some of the image stabilizers on digital cameras are pretty good.
Here is a 12x zoom shot of a boid shot with a Panasonic FZ10 hand held.
(You need about a half dozen of them boids to have a meal though...)