Raunds, East Northants. 04-10-2007.
On 5 Oct, 00:16, Robin Nicholson
On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 14:19:04 -0700, Ian wrote:
RMK: Glorious day on Thursday, virtually unbroken sunshine and a day
max of 16.6. Clear, starry night. A little Ci to the South and West.
Light dew on grass. No sign of any mist.
Lovely in Dorset too. Not that quiet 2.5 metres from my front door two
days ago owing to a burst water main. Men, diggers, arc lights,much
cursing and swearing and drooping fags. They failed to mend after 9
hours,due to the pressure being too high so got a night crew in and
finished at 0300 ish. Unfortunately they turned my supply off and
forgot to.....
It all happens down here you know. More exciting than that is my AWS
is nearly up at home!
Hi Robin,
Sounds like a nightmare!! you haven't been having much luck with water
this year have you! You should have set the Labs on them ;-)
When are you hoping to get your AWS up and running?
Not quiet here either tonight....Donna's snoring is causing the
windows to vibrate! I've retired to the study with a large Scotch for
a bit of peace, the Cat has just joined me........It must be bad ;-)
Raunds, Northants.