Hummer at 1 foot
"Padraig" wrote:
Thanks. Part of the reason I get the concentrations and you don't is
because it's a lot farther from the each Feeder or Flower to the next here.
So the result is like having a sign on Hwy 40 1/2 way between Needles and
Barstow that reads "Free Ice Cold Water and Beer".
Our only year round Hummer is called the Magnificent Humming Bird. It'll
try to "Rule the Roost", but as you saw sometimes the numbers become
overwhelming and it'll just sit off to the side and make short harassing
sorties to reminding everyone else just who's home this is.
I wouldn't mind seeing some of your Shots. My address is a valid one
(and yes I get my share of Spam to prove it :-( ). Just do not send prior
to late afternoon/evening. That's when I've been up for a while and have
discarded the junk.
Crazy Ed