Cor date. Raunds, East Northants. 09-10-2007
On 9 Oct, 13:23, Ian wrote:
On 9 Oct, 10:44, Ian wrote:
0900z Mod rain. HZ 3km. SW F2, T 10.9, Td, 10.5, 8St, 8Ns? 1021.8 F
09-09z Tmax 15.8, Tmin 7.9, Tg 4.6, rain 5.2mm.
RMK: Clear periods early in the night. Slight rain when I glanced out
at 0515z. Mostly moderate rain since. Grass wet, concrete wet. As my
wife commented "An awfy dreich morning"
1200z Mod rain. 3km. SW F3, T 13.1, Td 12.8, 8St, 8Ns? 1020.2 (F)
RMK: Moderate rain since 0900z. Heavy at times in past hour. 8.1mm
rain since 0900z. Rainfall event total to 1200z 13.2mm.
1500z 20km, WNW F3, T 12.6, Td 9.5, 3Cu, 5Ac, 1019.2 (F)
RMK: 1St fra, 2 Sc. Total clould cover 6 okta. Rain slowly died out by
1330z. Clearance from the West at 1445z, wind veered WNW, temperature
and dew point fell. Enjoying decent sunny spells as I write, upwind
looks quite clear, just a little Cu. 12mm rain since 0900z, 17.1mm
since rain started around 0500z
Raunds, East Northants. 63m. NGR SP9972.