ShortBus Driver wrote:
Eric Swanson wrote:
In article . com,
Eric - These look like weird data to me, or at least interesting data.
We have dozens of new record high temperatures, right? Really a
pretty stunning list.
Wait until you see the list for October 7 and 8. I haven't finished
with those yet, but you can go to the USHCN link and see most of
what's happening. The reports of the Chicago Marathon should give
pause, as many runners became ill and one died from the heat.
I'm going to turn my life upside down because some idiots try to run 26
miles on a warm day? Every marathon has someone drop out from the race
and look at Jim Fix the runner dropped dead running.
this is nearly as bad as racism, a racist behind every tree...
But we also have a list of more than a dozen places reporting new
record low maximum temperatures -- most of them in Utah and Nevada, it
looks like.
Do you have any proposed explanation for why this dichotomous pattern
Must be the weather...
Well, my back-of-the-envelope scenario is that the tropic to pole
circulation is stronger than usual this year. Also, the relatively
great warmth may be related to the lack of hurricanes so far this year
in the Gulf of Mexico. For whatever reason, the warm air is pushing
further to the north, as seen in the locations of most of the records
in the northern U.S. The colder air in the return of the circulation
is moving further southwards all the way to southern California,
making for a few records along the way.
The magnetic pole switch
Organizing Libertarians is like herding cats.
Consensus is two wolves and a sheep agreeing, on what's for dinner.
You can hang a dead man many times, but a live man only once.
If science has the answers, who has the questions?
Global Warming... Have your meter-can pulled and toss the keys to your
car, then get back to me.
What will a lawyer do except suck more...
Divide and conquer, blame it all on coal, then next year blame it all on
Global Warming will cause acid rain, ozone holes, hurricanes, and ass rash?
Why would you hold anyone to standards higher than Gore?
Anger is a waste of energy, and wasting energy adds to Co2 with zero gain.
DO WE COUNT THE ICE FLOWS as land or water?
So now global warming is no more than a hypothesis? That's what it's
always been....
Who says nothing is impossable, I've been doing it for years.
But... I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Hard work doesn't bother me, I can watch it all day...
It's sad to have to think that, with every note they pick, another Polar
Bear dies just a little...
E = mc˛
Turn the clock back 200 years for *Global Warming Savings Time* this
Arguing over Global Warming is like arguing over Greek and Roman