Yet Another Simplified Explanation of CO2 as a Greenhouse Gas
Venus does not have moon to spin it like Earth, there are no competing
differential forces so yes it has a dark side just like our moon
(although it may be illuminated at some time due to rotation)
The Earth does not need the moon to "spin it". Actually, tidal forces
by the moon act as a form of drag on the earth's rotation, as the moon
only orbits the earth once every 28 days. It's because of the Earth's
strong tidal action on the moon that the moon is now "locked" with one
side toward the earth, although it certainly didn't start out that
Over time, the earth's rotation is slowing down due to the moon, and
over time the moon's orbit is gaining angular momentum from the earth,
which is putting it into a higher orbit.
Generally speaking, every planetary body comes into existence with
considerable rotation. Only if something acts to stop it, like tidal
forces from the sun, will the planet come to have a "dark side".