Yet Another Simplified Explanation of CO2 as a Greenhouse Gas
"Whata Fool" wrote
If one molecule of CO2 absorbs IR and re-emits it, then
what would keep any other molecule of CO2 from absorbing it?
Absolutely. So along the path out to space there are hundreds of instanes
of absorption nd
with each, absorption/emisson the 50% probability of the IR radiation being
sent downward.
The proces is well understoon an it is alled diffusion.
"Whata Fool" wrote
Nonsense, greenhouse theory is nothing like a blanket,
a blanket is the same as the glass in a greenhouse or like
insulation, preventing convection and reducing conduction, while
greenhouse theory involves EM.
Wrong again. The insulation is accomplihed the same way. By re-radiating
the radiation back down toward the person under the blanket.
Now blow away and gl learn some basic science - fool.