- And on Sat, 10 Jul 2004 14:04:25 +0100, it was spake thus in said in message "Smog" :
Pictures of a Sun Pillar taken early one morning (can't remember the exact
date) last year from Surfleet, South Lincs towards the East ( obviously
0) )
I forgot I had them
Jim, were they taken with a digital camera ?
If so, it's very likely that the camera wrote all the technical details like
shutter speed/aperture etc as well as the date/time it was captured within the
image... providing the date/time's set accurately on the camera
There's lots of different software out there that'll show you all that info -
normally the software you use to download the image from the camera will - and
I like to use
www.irfanview.com as it's freeware and does lots of other things

Nick in Northallerton
Also nickw7coc on both Yahoo Messenger & on MSN Messenger