On Oct 11, 2:02 pm, Gianna wrote:
lawrence jenkins wrote:
Quite spooky really, after my post about the Kent Lorry driver who recently
succesfully challenged the showing of an "inconvenient Truth" to British
school children
Is there any truth in the rumour that after the film was screened in court, the
judge rapped his bench with a gavel and called 'Ordure! Ordure!'?
* * * * * * *
Yes the judge in question is a strange character. He started of as a
road laborer then decided to make something of his life, quit worked
very hard and eventually made it to the status of a High Court Judge.
He's actually written a bio of his life story which is very
insprirational and shows that anyone with dedication and application
can make it. It's called
"The Road Less Gavelled"